Our Initiative

Women Empowerment Programme

Women are systematically disadvantaged when it comes to the much-needed education, resources, and freedom to act. They are constantly denied the opportunity to fully utilise their tremendous potential to impact their immediate families and their communities, bearing in mind that the play a pivotal role in sustaining and providing the basic needs of the family.

At Rupetta Academy, we appreciate the role women play in the society, we are here to give them a better future through education and economic empowerment.

The Women empowerment programme aims to provide education women on the fundamental skills needed to start a business and also provide economic empowerment opportunities for women within their communities. This will provide better lives and better future for them and their families.

Youths to Leaders Support Initiative

Sport is a fundamental part of youth development. We appreciate that various sporting activities help to greatly increase awareness and helps in the development of vital skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork.

We facilitate various youth support programmes that encourage positivity and the desire to be educated.

Rupetta Academy organised a football tournament for youths and educated them on the need for education to eradicate poverty.

We provide different avenues for youth to feel the impact of education.